Meeting Agendas

School Board Meeting Agendas
The Board/Business Meeting agendas are available for public viewing on the Monday of the meeting week. That draft agenda will not contain attached documents, with the exception of those that were already presented at a previous business meeting.  The attachments will be accessible in the final agenda the afternoon of the meeting, typically after 4:30 p.m. 

Opportunities for public comment will be provided by in-person attendance only. 

Effective February 2022
For complete transparency, the Building & Capital Projects and Finance Committees are both now operating as a committee-of-the-whole, so extensive, full-board discussions will take place at these meetings, in advance of any action that could follow at the next Business/Board Meeting. The public is always welcome to attend these informational committee meetings that typically include extensive presentations from Administration and others.  Opportunities for public comment are indicated within public agendas on our online agenda-management website: AgendaManager.  Draft committee agendas are also public on the Monday of the meeting week and the attached documents will remain private unless/until passed along for approval/action at a future Board/Business Meeting.


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