Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Rubicon Atlas by DASD


Dallastown Area School District reflects a strong academic emphasis and is aligned with the Pennsylvania Academic Standards. Courses of study, developed by teachers and based on Pennsylvania Academic and Common Core Standards, is structured to meet individual needs and capacities of students and are the basis of the instructional program at the elementary and secondary levels. Curriculum is updated on a yearly cycle to reflect standards.  We continue to plan, develop, pilot, implement, evaluate, and revise curriculum each year.

Standards Aligned System (SAS)


instruction logo

Quality instructional delivery is a cornerstone of the Dallastown Area School District. We continually focus our attention on current research-proven practices that will help our students to be successful through the use of modern learning technologies and real world resources and contexts.

The District utilizes the Nancy Fisher and Douglas Frey model called I Do, We Do, You Do. This model allows for instruction to be scaffolded and tailored to the instructional needs of students in our classrooms.  We also utilize the prominent work of educational resources such as Robert MarzanoDavid SousaCarol Tomlinson, and Madeline Hunter to drive the design and implementation of effective instruction.


The measurement of student learning is an important component of the instructional process. State and local tests and assessments comprise one part of this measurement. The Pennsylvania System of State Assessments, commonly referred to as the PSSA tests, are given to students in Grades 3 through 8. Keystone Exams are given at the end of the following courses: Algebra I, Biology, Literature.

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